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Re: smells and candida

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: smells and candida

You are certainly not alone and not crazy! I have read the same thing about other people smelling the yeast and I am one of them. I can smell it sometimes on my finger nails or when I floss my teeth or if I pinch my earlobe I get an awful smell on my fingers but that's only sometimes. Are you still taking Prozac? I don't know how that would affect the balance in your body, it may play a factor in Candida. I would stop taking it if at all possible. And in the case with the military making you take it, just go get the prescription and then dispose of it somehow. My husband is also in the military so I know how they can be with that sort of stuff. All that is is a cover up and not the solution. Please don't be embarrassed or depressed, you are not alone and you will get rid of your Candida. I know you are frustrated and I know how you feel. It's going to take our bodies a little time though so this is something you will have to stick with for a couple months at least. I am addressing 7.5 years of yeast overgrowth from being on the birth control pill. I know it's going to take my body time to heal. I too tried all kinds of stuff to kill the Candida.....Clarkia, ParaGone (2 boxes), Threelac (2 cans), CandiZyme (3 bottles) and Pau d'arco tea. All of that is good to do but as I've come to learn we have to build up our bodies too. I've done bowel cleansing, parasite cleansing, 5 Liver Flushes and a 5 day lemondade fast. I also have been skin brushing, taking hot/cold showers and I just got a mini trampoline. I am about to go out and get the Yeast Connection book and cookbook as well as Tooth Truth to read up about amalgams. I plan to have my 2 removed. The biggest thing is cleaning up the diet which I REALLY need to do. This is the hardest for me. But I think it's going to be the most important not only for getting rid of Candida but for my overall health as well. I just bought MSM and B complex last night and am planning on adding primal defense, Co-Q10, Chinese Bitters and perfect food supergreens to my regime as well as trying my best to eliminate the foods that feed yeast. (We have lots of chocolate, cookies, and candies in the how right now from the holidays.....UGH!) You'll get through this. Read all you can and then make a plan and do it. There is hope.



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