thank you so much for your feedback, it makes me feel better that, there are people out there like me. I had no idea how hard this was going to be, but I'm going to keep trying, I'm hoping msm will help along with my diet, I will keep any progress posted here. As for the prozac I took it for about 2 weeks until one of my good friends begged me to get off it, because his mom was on it and had a terrible time being on it. So I got rid of it , it was the best thing I did. I'm going to try to stay away from all the internet miracle candida cures. Getting rid of this is absolutely a long term approach. I'm also glad I told my boyfriend, I keeped it a secret from him since I found out what candida was and that I had it. I feel relieved now, so he won't have a puzzled look when I don't want to eat certain things or go to certain restaurants. Thanks again for your feedback, I hope the msm b complex works for you.