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smells and candida
healthchick Views: 1,481
Published: 22 y

smells and candida

I am kinda embarassed to post this, but it has to do with my candida, and a wierd symptom I havn't read anybodies had yet. I have this very foul smell on my skin in all around the skin on my nose and the same smell comes out of my scalp.I just recently in September learned about what candida was and all the symptoms that I've had which includes this smell problem since I was 17 was do to this. I really don't talk about it much because it's embarassing to me, and when I was younger I got so fustrated about it I told my dad,and at first he believed me, but when we couldn't find a solution, I got suicidal and had to see a phycologist. Then when I was 20 I joined the military which I'm currently in and was also seeing a phycologist because I had an opsession with washing my hair due to the smell, and I told him why, he didn't belived me and I got sent to a military mental hospital for 4 days and ready to get kicked out. I had to fight to stay in the military, and they said they would let me stay if I took prozac so I did in order to stay, because of this I'm hesitant to talk about it, but I'm relived theres a forum like this, I feel more comfortable asking question here than to even my doctor, I just recently told my boyfriend about this, because he has been wondering why I'm so depressed,and I finally told him what candida was and how I've had symptoms since I was 17 to my surprise he was so sweet and said he wanted to help me get through, that was a first, I wasn't expecting that, I dont' talk much about this problem. Well I'm sorry I went off into a story but has anyone have this problem also it seems that anything I smell sinks to me. Everything stinks to me. why?I'm new to fighting this candida thing the only thing I've tried is threelac( didn't help), paragone( actually it helped alot, but not enough), grapeseed( also helped alot then I got off for about a week and when I tried to get back on didnt' work anymore):(, olive leaf,I'm trying msm now.


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