I have been told by my alternative doctor that it is almost impossible to heal eczema and allergies completely, because I lack some enzymes (it can be due to hereditary factors, penicillin, environmental causes, etc). I am studying this problem. Some years ago I felt desperate, then thanks to this doctor, books and internet (especially Curezone!!!) I tranformed the problem into an occasion to learn. Learning about illness also means learning about oneself. Don't think I am just telling you "New Age" good but empty words. I too feel desperate when I cannot help scratching. My first advice is: try something. Open yourself to possibilities. Follow curezone's advice, they are the right people to give a possibility when you think there is nothing more to do. Please, read dr.Christiane Northrup's "Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom", because I feel it is the book for you to begin a research from within. If you do not want to spend money, look for this book in a public library. Please do!
Good luck.