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That doesn't seem very fair to you
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Published: 21 y
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That doesn't seem very fair to you

I have always had a strong sex drive, but I understand how things that happen to us emotionally and physically can mess with even that.

Why is your GF's drive so low? Every two weeks is not a healthy amount of sex for your relationship or for you. Haven't you seen all those studies about the healthier men having more sex? And there is a difference between couple sex and self-gratification. Sex between two people is the kind that brings all the benefits.

I just re-read the original post and the guy indicated that he had sex 2-3 times a month. He didn't really say he would rather have it more. I'm not sure, but it seemed that he preferred self-gratification to "real" sex. If you feel your needs are not being met in your relationship you should address that with your GF. The real question is - "Which kind of sex do you want?"

I reiterate my statement about the dangers of too much self-gratification. It is not supposed to be the mainstay of a person's sex life. It gets out of hand. (No pun intended.)


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