You sound very, very jealous of the Mtnn Mann. I don't blame ya. I would be too. Must be disheartening to come in from the plains and see this virile guy named MtnnDeww just chewing up the competition? Looks good, sounds good, has the answers...ah, to be me. Did you take the language course I commanded you to take? See, Mr. "Sensitive Old Man", it works this way...when I give a directive, you take it. No need for you to think. I have already, at my younger age, accomplished what you dreamed of doing in every life, business, health, success, bank account. That's why I'm the Mtnn and you're "down unda". See? need to utter a word, just do what I told you to do: Hands off your johnson, go take the course, and leave the brilliance to me. G'Day!