"THUNDA DOWN UNDA" needs to come in from the outback and speeka da language. You're a "Man at Work" not makin too much sense...been knockin down a few Foster's Lagers? See, in America, to make your thoughts clear you need to speak the King's English. You start off on-target but veer off wildly into that self-gratification thing again and again. Kind of lonely in the outback? Hand off the boomarang for one moment and be precise, if you don't mind. The readers are tolerant to a point, but too much "local" jargon loses its appeal. OK for Dundee, not so good for Thunda. Take it from a communications superstar, you need to put on your sandals and run on down to the local junior college. Look up on the board of classes for "English as a Foreign Language". That's the one for you. Sign up. Then, after you pass the course, come back and see us again. We'll still be here in the Outback...steakhouse that is.