Thanks Ksh :) Thank you for really thinking about this issue. I'm coming to believe that my partner is terrified of intimacy. Until he exorcises the demons that are driving him to want detached, voyeuristic sex, he can't have a deep least not with me. The whole 3some thing is yet another way to maintain a distance between us.
You have no idea what it means to me to read your response. This is what I can't seem to get through his head....there is no way (at least for me) that bringing another person into our relationship would work. It would devastate me that he would need/want to touch another woman, and I certainly couldn't be with another man without having a real emotional connection....which would most likely cause our relationship to end. I guess I'm just not that enlightened. The bottom line is, I don't want sex for sex's sake...I want it as an expression of my love for him. That doesn't mean that within the bounds of our commitment we can't have fun...just not at the expense of the relationship.