Re: Improvise & Overcome?
Is the lemonade distasteful because of the pepper, or just because?
I'm a huge advocate of the cleanse and ordinarily would never dissuade anyone from doing it, nisha, but to tell you the truth, if I were you I would probably try something else - nothing is worth that kind of torture! You can't reap any benefits from something like this if you're that uncomfortable. I know if I hated the lemonade there would be no way that I could down it 8 times a day with nothing else to eat - that's just sheer torture! And the salt water flush makes you gag...yikes. You obviously want to cleanse and do good for yourself, and that's great, but there must be another cleanse (maybe a juice fast?) that you would enjoy and thrive on, you know? There's a juice forum here - maybe you could ask about other cleansing and detoxing options that would be more up your alley, because it doesn't seem like the lemonade is for you. I think it's great that you've stuck with it this long, to tell you the truth. I never could have!
Nik, have you tried less syrup? I feel for you too - if the drink consists of only 2 ingredients (lemon and syrup) and you just absolutely detest one of them, there's no way this can be a positive experience. I hope you both post again and let us know what's happening!