Re: need help urgently
Manual disimpaction is probably the only thing that will reliably work at this point. 10 days is a long time and that mass of stool is probably rock hard by now. The problem with milk of magnesia, or especially epsom salt, is that it will draw water into the rectum/sigmoid but the plug of hard stool may block it from exiting, causing severe discomfort.
I would continue with
Oil Enema s, preferably regular olive oil instead of mineral oil. Try to have her retain it for an hour at least, and afterward use your latex gloved finger to try to break it up or pull it out. This is not easy!!! (You can find a box of 50 surgical gloves for under $5 in many supermarkets).
If after the first
Oil Enema you don't have success, repeat and have her retain it again, and try again to break it up. Finally, if you haven't broken up and relieved the impaction by bedtime, give her an
Oil Enema to retain overnight. She'll need a diaper to absorb leakage, as this can be messy.
If she doesn't have a good BM by morning, then I would try once more with the oil enema, retain for an hour and try to break it up one more time. If that fails, then I'd try a
water enema at 103 degrees F. Use one ounce for each 2
pounds of body weight. For example, a safe amount for a 30 pound child is 15 ounces, or about a pint.
If that fails then it's time to get her to the doctor's office or the emergency room.
Good luck!!!