Re: Chronic Constipation In Valerie
Millions of people may have used petroleum products intenally and probably more millions use it on their skin. You can bet that they are not the ones that hang out at Curezone. It is posted over and over here that petroleum products are toxic to consume or to put on your skin.
What demonstrating record are you referring to ? If you are talking about main stream medicine here, not many will be listening to you.
You say you do not use mineral oil your self, yet you tell others to use it. I wonder why this is ?
Table salt does not go in the mouth nor in the rectum either.
Sea Salt , yes.
table salt , NO.
Ivory soap does not go in the rectum neither does castile soap.
I bet you get fluoride treatments on your teeth too and also use tooth paste that contains fluoride.
I also can bet that you have had all your
vaccinations and probably take flu and pneumonia shots.
Of course petroleum is a product of the earth. So is arsenic and lead. That does not mean that any of them are safe to eat does it ?
I highly doubt that I will be visiting the La Brea tar pits any time in the near future. Maybe you could think of me next time you go there. If you happen to decide to take a swim in them, think of me as you dive in.