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Re: Chronic Constipation In Valerie
Blueduck Views: 9,892
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 516,317

Re: Chronic Constipation In Valerie


Here it is :

"Fleet Enema Mineral Oil: Do not administer to children under 2 years of age except on the advice of a physician. Care should be taken to ensure that the contents of the bowel are expelled after administration. Laxative products should not be used longer than 1 week unless directed by a physician. "

As I said, it is not to be used as a retention enema and should NOT be used at all because it contains a petroleum product. Would you drink this ? I would not drink it, there fore I would not use it for a enema and it should be taken off the market, which won't happen. It is just another bad product, sold to make a lot of money off of unsuspecting people that do not know the effects of petroleum products in a human body. It is not only unsafe, it is deplorable that petroleum products are sold to be used in this manner.

I did not attempt to distort your message. I told the truth as I found it on a website with information about Fleet enemas. As far as me attempting to discredit your message ? Please, all I want to do is make sure that NO baby gets this enema, period. I come here to tell people the truth about things and when I see some thing that is not true, what I do is tell the truth. I did not attempt to confuse any one. I responded to what I saw as bad advice. My motivation is telling the truth about a harmful product.

I do not care what you do in your practice as that is none of my business. I DO care what people here read. Most people that come to Curezone for information are sick and tired of quacks doing things to them that does not address the root of the problem. This fleet enema is just another thing that quacks recommend, without trying to heal any thing.

This is my explanation.




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