10 y
Re: Chronic Constipation In Toddler
Uvagirl, mine is little older than than yours. I have dealt with chronic constipation many times. A enema is the best remedy.
Of course diet, drinking water and exercise help.
Another mom told me about an enema as a remedy for constipation and fevers. I am glad she told me!
. Always check with your pedi/dr before treating. Or giving enemas.
Valerie's information and help is great. I check her postings often for help. I have a copy of book Prescription For Nutritonal Healing in the home too. Every mom should have this book in the homw.
Val's Guide For Children's colon Health is wonderful.
I do as Valerrie stated....for hard stools//constipated I also give a oil retention enema. Given with the small rubber bulb syringe.. Warm the oil in the bulb syringe while the full enema bulb syringe is sitting in a bowl of warm to hot water. Test the oil, or other enema solution, on your wrist first. Squirt some from the bulb onto your wrist to be sure it is the right temp or use a bath Themomenter.
Don't use the emptied Fleet bottle!
The reusable rubber bulb syring is better to use.
You can give the oil retention enema at bed time. Best to retain overnight. So give at bed time. I prefer to give it in the morning. So I can keep a eye on the one who got the oil enema. As Valerrie told you "expect leaks". So put diaper on or no pants on if running around the house for the day. You will have to check the one who got the oil enema every so often. Don't let him sit on the couch with out covering the couch first! If bed ridden put him on a folded towel.
If after an enema he wants to lay on the couch to watch TV or nap, put towels or a pad on the couch for him to lay on. Have a blanket to keep warm after he gets an enema.
If giving at bed time diaper or put pants on. Best to protect bedding with pad or folded towels. I put a rubber sheet on the bed for enemas given on the bed.
Since the oil retention enema is not a large volume enema, like the soapy enema, most likely there is no immediate BM.
But be prepared for one anyway.
Later in the day, or next morning, there will be a BM. I do as Val stated, after a oil enema, I give a warm soapy enema. Made with very mild soapy water. Read Val's suggestion for the soap to be used.
After the soap enema I do as Val says: give a plain warm water enema.
If no BM From the oil enema. The soapy enema will give a BM. So be prepared for a BM after a soapy enema.
The BM after the oil enema has been retained is softer and makes a BM eaiser for him.
I think Val mentioned this before... worth repeating for a mom who has never given an enema....few things I have learned...
You will find these and other tips in nursing least the older books that has many home remedies listed.
- if you need to control the one getting the enema, put him face down on your left leg. Butt middle of your leg. Clamp his legs with your right leg. His legs are hanging down between your legs. Put a towel on your lap.
-if he will resist the first enema, ask another mom to assist you. I have asked another mom before. I found her to be very helpful and wanting to learn as well.
-I found it is eaiser to give a second enema after the first time.
The first ever enema may be fighting it and resisting. But the next one is much easier to give. Don't give up the first time. A enema is needed. You are not helping things by giving up. Do it. You will like the results of this natural remedy !
- it best to have everything ready for the enema. Then call or go get him. Have every thing sitting out where the enema will be given. It is hard to get something, like the lube, once he is in place.
-speaking of lube...I learned from that book to use cut E oil from a capsule of cut E. Place it on the nozzle. Also can put some on your finger and gently move your finger into anus. This makes giving the enema easier and comfortable.
-have the solution a little warmer than needed. That way it has cooled to correct temp while you go get him and prepare him for the wnema.
-have the room you are gong the enema warmed. The enema may chill him. Make sure you will not be interrupted when giving the enema. Offer privacy.
-if you have more than one, have another mom watch the others while you are giving an enema. Or give the enema when the others are out of the house. Like gone to school.
-you can tell a older child he will be given an enema. Discuss it with him. Tell him it will make him feel better and does not hurt getting an enema.
- I found giving an enema while sitting on the couch is a good place to give an enema. Some moms prefer the bed, table or tub. Even the bathroom floor
-I like sitting on the couch with him on my lap. It relaxes him to watch TV when he gets enemas. Also it is easier on me. I don't have to bend over the tub or bed when giving across my lap way on the couch. You have to determine the best place and way.
-I found with a younger one just prepare it and give. Telling before hand for a younger one may cause anixety.
-if giving on a table never leave the one getting the enema out of arms reach. Assist getting on and off the table.
-I found giving an enema on a table is best on back with legs held up some or knees to chest position. If holding legs up, put a finger between feet so there is no discomfort.
-you are the mom. Be firm and in control. Let him know a enema will be given.
-tell the one getting the enema to take deep breaths in and out of open mouth when getting the enema. Or tell to "blow the birthday candles out". This helps him relax and makes the enema easier to give
-make sure there is no air in the bulb. Once you have squeezed the solution into him, do not releas the squeezed bulb. This will draw the solution back out if you release the bulb. Keep it squeezed
-for the soapy enema I give two or thee bulbs full. Immediately refill the bulb and give another bulb full. You will learn how many bulbs to give. Start with one bulb and see how that works.
-I learned when no BM or water comes out when expelling that means the water was absorbed. So wait about a hour and if not BM or water comes out after a soapy enema then repeat the enema about a hour after the first enema was given. On my second or third ever enema given nothing happened! No BM and no water came out. I called my neighbor mom for help. She came over with her nursing book and showed me where this was discussed. Her book told to repeat the enema in about a hour. We waited. Nothing. A second soapy enema was prepared and given. Omg got a good BM with the second soapy enema! Her and I laughed. She told me "see, I told you. One of mine always needed a second repeated enema!"
-check the BM after the enema. If not enough, or none, repeat the soapy enema.
-put the one who got an enema to bed to rest. Cover him. The enema may chill him. Check on him often. Stress the good about an helped and he feels better.
-clean the bulb syringe, or bag if used, with warm soapy water. Rinse well. Leave out to air dry for a few days. Never store damp.
-only give an enema when needed and after checking with the dr or nurse. I know most moms don't call a dr to give an enema at home. But safe that I recommend you check with the dr first.
-don't be surprised to find out most doctors today prefer harsh chemicals or pills. At most they may suggest a Fleet enema be given. I read a Fleet enema is not good to give and has caused problems.
Omg long post sorry!
I am convinced enemas are a good remedy!
Another mom told me she leaves the enema bulb sitting on the edge of the tub all the time. She told it reminds hers to go.
A enema is a good remedy and should never be seen as bad.
The bulb and red rubber bag are always out in my home. For other moms to see and learn. I have taught other moms how to give an enema and the benefits of giving an enema.