Wow! You should post this on the
liver flush forum, too.
Dear Hildegard,
Congratulations on having passed
that gigantic stone, as well as
all the other smaller ones! Your
story is going to help a lot of
other people. I urge you to post
both your first message -- and the
last one that lists all the symptoms
that have disappeared since you
began liver-flushing -- on the liver
flush forum. If you're unable to do
that yourself, ask one of the moderators to help you (on the
Suggestions for Webmaster forum).
I hope you saved that huge stone.
Talk about a conversation piece!
Trust your intuition about how
to use it. Friends of yours, who
have never considered flushes,
will think twice when they see
that monster.
You write with wit and insight,
Hildegard. Please keep us posted on
your ongoing success story.