Hildegard, people are not supposed to get
parasites in U.S. either but it happens far
more than Dr's ever diagnose. I ended up
with Frozen Shoulder two years ago--right
shoulder. I was told that I would have to
have surgery and the tendons were all frozen
up in there. I went to so many Holistic
and traditional doctors and no one knew what
was wrong. Then I read about Frozen Shoulder
in Hulda Clark's book--The Cure for All Disease.
In there she says that it take doing liver
flushes every two weeks--one to two years to
get well. I started liver flushing 14 months
ago and have passed all stages of Ascaria!! Yuck!!
My shoulder is nearly free, but now the pressure
in my liver is bulding up so fast after taking
6 weeks of Julia Chang's Herbs to get stuff
moving out of my liver and gallbladder that
now I have to do liver flushes every 3-4 days
because I get terrible IBS symptoms and horrible
pressure and even nausea and vomiting from all
the huge amount of stones and big masses of
parasitic debri coming forward so soon now
after each flush and blocking the bile ducts.
Apple cider vinegar has also hastened the movement
of stones and debri. Two flushes ago I passed a 2" by 3/4"
stone, a 1 1/2" by 3/4" stone and much
more. I suspect the brain fog is because
the debri keeps moving forward and blocking
the bile ducts so the bile is never clean.
I am doing colon clenasing, kidney support
always. Sure hope all this ends soon and I
am a R.N. and have been unable to work for
two years. Good sharing experiences with you.
Is your brain fog all gone? Also, I am working
with a Nutritionist and she had me do another
parasite test through a good lab and they found
a Protozoa recently which she wants me to take
herbs for. I will probably be taking more herbs
for that. The labs never pick up the big worm
parasites it seems. Perhaps the protozoa
(Cyclospora) may be causing the brain fog. Don't