Still stone flood and fatigue
Dear Andreas,
As I claimed already four weeks ago – “the stone of the month” was still inside me despite the super christmas liver cleanse yielding more than 2.000 stones.
Last weekend I flushed again despite your advise to give my liver a rest of at least 6 weeks because
Again, I followed the same different protocol: half lemon juice half grapefruit juice, more olive oil than recommended, another OO drink the next morning after the third ES serving, warm bath after the second ES serving .
This time the procedure was really painful. About 30 minutes after the oil drink I literally felt something big migrating from my gallbladder into the small intestine. About 10 hours later the “stone of the month” was “born” - I passed a huge stone accompanied by COUNTLESS smaller ones. I have only a vague idea about the total number of stones but I guess it was something in the order of 300 - the tiny ones not taken into consideration.
And now this constant pain on my right side has RETURNED three days after the flush as well as the fatigue. I am sure I will have to submit myself to further flushes.
However, thy skin has made an impressive change - it has become a baby's skin,my sinus problem seems to be solved, the cold intoleraance has nearly completely subsided, as well as the arthralgia in the finger joints.
And - wonder over wonder - after 18 years five of my 10 infected toes nails are free of fungus infection - which was a spontanous recovery!!!!!!!!!!
Can I expect that the five remaining will clear up sooner or later???? I would make me more than happy.
I am mainly writing this message for other forum users in order to encourage them to keep flushing because my flushing period was full of setbacks and recurrence of symptoms. It was good not to give up!!!
Your opinion is as always very appreciated.
Thanks in advance