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Re: Parasite cleansing and bipolar
cyclotheme Views: 7,889
Published: 19 y
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Re: Parasite cleansing and bipolar

i am also bipolar, and maybe this is a bit off topic, but i came to be interested in these health and parasite topics after taking lithium (and other drugs, too, at times) for almost fifteen years. when my hair started thinning very rapidly and my abdomen became especially hard and distended, i started asking questions of my doctors and not getting any satisfactory responses. i understand that i should accept some of these explanations, but then again, i am an educated woman and i am capable of understanding a lot. i should get at least some satisfactory answers to something! like, for example, if you take lithium for fifteen years, and you consider that not all of it is excreted after each dose, where is the rest of it? fifteen years' worth? i also have a lot, and i mean a lot, of cysts in my abdomen and also on my thighs. what is that all about? is it lithium deposits, parasites, or what? the doctor doesn't care. i also have a very small manifestation of tardive dyskenesia from taking small doses of psychotropic drugs when i could not tolerate antidepressants any longer. no doctor seems interested in that, either. but to answer your question, i was concerned about these herbs, especially Wormwood , but i had no side effects from them of a psychiatric nature and i eliminated some very awful parasites. i admit i did not follow the protocol strictly, but given my results i am eager to do it again soon. i know that parasites that pass the blood brain barrier are hard to eliminate and i would welcome input from anyone who has tackled this problem. in fact, i know there is a bipolar forum but it does not get a lot of action and i welcome anyone who is interested in this to post or if you would like private conversation, to email me, esp if you have any ideas>


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