Hi Happy!
I know what you mean by the good hard cleansing. Like crying and feeling like it was good and a relief.
To be honest with you I really don't believe in Manic depression, as the medical profession does. After being called mentally ill for years and not getting much relief from 17+ yrs of drugs, I started to read everything I can get my hands on. What I discovered was that there are many many things that can cause symptoms of MD.
To name a few:
Food allergies especially gluten intolerance, but any type of food allergy can cause mood swings. This turned out to be one of the biggies for me. My friends 4yo son was diagnosed by one doctor as having MD, he was prescribed, but my friend too him for a second opinion and that doctor ran allergy tests, found out he was allergic to soy. When the soy was taken out of his diet, he "changed into a new kid" was what his mom says.
Thyroid problems, especially autoimmune thyroid, can cause mood swings. As can just hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
A toxic body and parasites can cause mental symptoms, remember the "mad hatters"? Hat makers in England, they used mercury in the process and became insane because of it. Parasites can cause sleep disturbances and lack of concentration among many other things.
Female hormones, excess estrogen (many xeno or chemical estrogens) can cause severe mood swings, sleep problems and fatigue.
70-90% of seratonin receptors are in the intestines. Makes you wander why the pharmaceutical company's are messing with the brain.
Please forgive me if I sound so ...whats the word... peeved? But I spent a large portion of my life feeling hopeless because according to the medical profession I was hopelessly ill. Nothing so sad as growing up believing that there is something hopelessly wrong with you.
But then the relief of discovering that there is something you can do about it is awesome. I praise God for showing me the way!
The things that I do are, cleansing. I love the liver flushes, those have helped a lot. I am doing my third on Thursday. Bowel/parasite cleanses, always interesting, lol! Nourishing Traditions cookbook and the Makers Diet book are the diets that I follow. The diet helped a lot, especially my hypoglycemia, which is non-existent now, I have been low fat most of my life and the good fats have helped a lot. It helped my kids a lot too. We are hardly ever sick and if we are it is only for a day or two and not badly. Exercise helps alot.. I think one of the biggest helps is the classical homeopathy.
Out of curiousity how did your bowel cleanse go, anything interesting? So far nothing much as happened with me, other my bowels are moving better, but I am more irritable and tired the last few days. And it has been over a month and two P&B shakes a day. But I will keep going!