I too am M/D. The Bowel Cleanse addn parasite cleanses have actually helped me... I take small doses of lithium daily (30 mg/day). The staying up late was hard on me, as was the emotional aspects of cleansing, but it was a GOOD hard, if you know what i mean. It did not feel out of control, but very controlled. I suggest you do it, and also that you read the bowel forum as well, as some of these concerns are adressed there. (I posted about my emotional experiences, but i am on a borrowed computer at the moment and can't elaborate right now! Please go check my messages on the other forum...)
I am curious, newbe, about the other stuff you do to help with M/D..... my 9 year old son has it too..... I'll be checking this thread again in the hope of hearing from you both! Best Wishes.... Happy