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megan Views: 8,748
Published: 20 y
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Hi all...I just wanted to add my hospital experience while parasite cleansing. I've been battling these things for a few years. I'm much better now than before, but I still have a big parasite problem. Two years ago, I was doing all I could think of to try to kill these things. I was frantic to get them out of me. I was on the arise and shine colon cleanse, and taking anti-parasitic herbs (put together by a herbalist here, I think it contained- Wormwood , quassia, male fern, pomegranate and wormseed). I took all fruit and carbohydrates out of my diet, and ate raw vegan. I've been vegan for many years so it wasn't that, but not raw, or without fruit.

I felt panicky and high strung...but the parasites make me feel like that anyhow. I was seeing evidence of them dying, so I kept thinking that any day now, I should get out a bunch of them. Didn't happen. Then, one afternoon, after having some avocados and veggie juice, my heart started pounding like crazy, my vision went blurry and I was very faint. I couldn't move. I ended up in the ER. I don't know about my electrolytes, but my heart rhythum was not normal, my blood pressure dropped to something like 90/60. Is that electroltyes? It was very scarey (as you know).

I don't know why this happens...but, for my own situation, I think what happened was the amount of congestion in the liver was blocking blood flow back to the heart and it gave symptoms of a heart attack. Don't know, but that's my feeling. I know it wasn't a reaction to the herbs, or the was the parasites kicking up some kind of fight. This was also prior to Liver Flushing for me, so I was much more congested.

Anyway, my blood pressure went back up after a while, and all returned to normal. But they wouldn't let me leave until they observed me for a day.

So....if you got a lot of parasites it's not easy to get rid of them! I go pretty slow now, which is okay, but sometimes I wonder if I'm getting anywhere at all...but, I can't go any quicker, just hope it all works that's all!

Anyway, just wanted to share...the ER visits you two had were even worse...sorry you had that happen.

Best wishes,


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