hello miss scarletwhiskers :) i wanted to write you and find out about your health issues prior to the near death experiences with
parasite cleansing. i am on the cleanse- started today- and i know i will be fine on it. but my mom is considering doing it and she has a very toxic body. she has
Amalgams in her mouth, a few root canals, extreme allergies to food, environment, chemicals, etc... i am in massage school and began massaging her and she gets sick sometimes after massage (from all the lymph being moved around- and the toxins getting dislodged i am sure). she tried this intense probiotic that was supposed to eradicate all toxins or something and she got nauseaus and threw up. i don't want her to try this
parasite cleanse and have a similar situation to you. could you let me know how toxic you were to begin with.
also- anyone else out there...are there milder cleanses you'd suggest for someone super toxic? i know my mom needs to cleanse. i just don't want it to require a trip to the hospital :(
thanks :)