Cheap, super affective bowel cleanse
i have tried just about every
Bowel Cleanse method out there. some work better than others, but almost always i found i got dependant on the products, the herbs, the
Oxypowder , or whatever i was using. i CANNOT do anything with cascara sagrada, as my bowels get dependant almost right away with that.
this is what i have done fairly recently and it works great! i do a apple cider vinegar (acv) black strap mollases (bsm) and cayenne pepper bowel cleanse. this basically entails taking as much cayennes as i can along with some bsm and acv.
i heard for a long time that the cayenne is good for stimulating peristalsis but could never do enough of the hot stuff to make that happen. my tongue started burning long before i took a therapuetic dose. and getting a therapuetic, ie very high, dose is what makes this method work.
well, this is the trick i learned to taking cayenne. get a big spoon, fill it about 3/4 full with bsm. then add the hottest cayenne powder you can find, like 60,000 hu's or hotter. stir the cayenne into the molasses until it is totally dissolved. have a glass of water with about one tablespoon of acv in it, and some lemon juice if you want.
then take the spoonful of bsm and cayenne, and swallow it. follow this with a few sips from the glass. 95% of the cayenne bypasses your tastebuds, and goes right into your tummy. it then mixes in with the acv and starts doing its work!
if you do enough of the cayenne, i promise you WILL have a bowel movement! cayenne does wonderful things, it increases blood circulation to the stomach and digestive tract, it burns away blockages in the bowels,and it stimulates the nerves that cause peristalsis.
the bsm is full of minerals and the acv has all kinds of great healing properties.
caution. you must start out slow with the cayenne, you have to take a small amount and work your way up, don't just start out with a huge heaping helping, you WILL regret it.
cayenne tablets and capsules are NOT the way to go. these can stay intact and then break open all at once, shocking and even burning one small area of your body. buy it in powder form, the hotter the better.
Dr. Schulze has got some awesome cayenne powder.
i think this is more healing than all the other
Bowel Cleanses i have tried, including
Dr. Schulze ,
Oxypowder , pb shakes, lax teas, etc. the cayenne is not a laxative, rather it stimulates the entire system to work properly. it heals ulcers in the digestive tract, and burns up blockages.
if you are looking for a cheap, affective, non dependant forming bowel cleanse, try this method, it works for me.