I am using Mag 07 and so far, OK. No MP, and it is SLOWLY working, but no pain or major inconvenience to my schedule thus far. I just need to be careful in the AM.
I also drink A LOT of fresh juices and eat fresh foods. It is actually easy once you get going. I am trying to eat a raw for most of the day, then have some cooked food at dinner.
I am thinking of increasing the Mag 07 to really get going here. The salt water flush (which I tried three times) just made me retain water...didn't do a damn thing otherwise. After the Mag 07, I plan on doing the bulk cleanse that Aerobic Life offers, or a parasite cleanse. Dunno yet.
Congrats again on your "success!" However, since I am somewhat new to this as well, I am not sure I can advise you here. Hopefully, some other posters will be of help.