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INFO on MagO7

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ReikiGal Views: 16,140
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INFO on MagO7


You are the only other one I've seen on the boards using Mag O7, so thought I'd pass along my experience & what the company told me when I called. This is posted on the previous pg in this forum...

"I used the MagO7 alone for 6 days & had plents of "release", but my pain was still there. I called the company [Aerobic Life] and explained about my CT scan, the impaction & pain & asked IF the MO7 would work by itself.

Was told yes but it would take several weeks. They said they have a 10 day Colon Cleanse kit & told me what was in it. Well, I had everything already here, whoopee!!!

It is basically what I had asked about on these boards before, but was advised not to try...combining the 2 types of cleanse! Here is their recipe:

For 3 days take 6 Mag O7 at bedtime...[I took full 6 capsule dose for 6 days before I got this recipe[. This cleans out all the "backed up & present food".

Then start this routine:

3 oz. Aloe Vera + 6 oz. water + 1 teaspoon psyllium - take this one hour before or 1 hour after brkfst, lunch, & dinner.

One hour before bedtime take your antioxidants.

One hour later, at bedtime, take 3-5 [depends on your system, I'm doing 5]

Keep to this schedule for remaing days [10 days, this is not on the other post]

They sent me lots of literature & their "kit" has added stuff. Oat bran w/the psyllium & herbs, etc. However, I wanted to get started right away since I had psyllium & aloe & things are going great so far. I do a lot of herbals, bentonite, & de-tox tea, so I think I've got it pretty much covered. :-)

I do not add the Bentonite to the psyllium drink. I follow bottle instructions for detoxifying. 1 TBS in water first thing in morning & 1 TBS. alone at evening meal."

Here is additional info...

I also had 1000 mg. oat bran tablets, so I crushed 1/2 of one & added it to my psyllium/aloe/water drink.

I was told if doing Mag O7 alone it is better to take ALL caps on empty stomach before bed...take antioxidants one hour before...6 MAXIMUM of Mag O7

When doing the combo psyllium/Mag cleanse you only take 5 caps MAXIMUM!!!!

"Lily of the Desert" makes a great organic Aloe [label says: Herbal Stomach Formula]that supports this cleanse & that is what I used. It also has in it: pepperment, chamille,marshmallow, borage, ginger, Pau D'Arco, Blessed Thistle, Slippery Elm, oatstraw & fennel. I used 2 oz. of this & 1 oz. of pure aloe gel to get my 3 oz total of aloe.

BE SURE TO DRINK AT LEAST 1/2 YOUR BODY WEIGHT IN ounces OF WATER DAILY [EX: IF YOU WEIGH 150 lbs. DRINK 75 OZ.]...if you drink any caffeine you add another 8 oz of water for every caffeinated beverage.

Good Luck



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