Dry skin brushing involves using a special natural bristle brush and brushing all areas of the skin...except anywhere that the skin is especially delicate...in the direction of the heart...or belly... depending on who's directions you follow. The purpose of it is to stimulate the lymphatic system which promotes cleansing and circulation of the lymph. When you do this both the brush and your skin are dry...easiest to do in the shower with the curtain pulled before you turn on the water...that way you can rinse down everything since the skin cells will be flying and create a bit of a mess. It's great for removing dead skin cells, makes your skin super soft with no need for lotion and helps to eliminate cellulite when done regularly. The brushes are usually straw colored, oval and often with a detachable handle, and made from sisal or tampico bristles...kind of stiff and a little like broom bristles.
There is a Dry Skin Brushing Forum on this site if you want to learn more or have additional questions.