Everyone is different (due to filters of person-(re)-ality). The way it has worked with me is that things first bubble up witin me as a thought or idea, then I am guided to "outer" ideas as I resonate with them. I live in a reality with much seredipity. Things just pop in and out as verification of the experience(resonance).
All belief systems are just that...belief systems. All are permissable and all filter experience in a particular way. For me I prefer not to take on these filters and work to lose them, and stay open to ALL possibilities (infinite potentiality = full god vs portioned god) always. To be free and open.
Does a newborn child have a system? Actually yes but less of one that adults. ;-)
Filters can be blinding to some experience is it serves to compartamentalize things.
BTW, All religions fit the definition of a cult ;-)