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My Most Genuine Thought...
Lapis Views: 3,638
Published: 19 y
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My Most Genuine Thought...

Experience all you are drawn to

For me I was drawn deep inside myself and in the process have realized that much outside ourselves are trappings that tend to hive the mind and create a filter to experience through. This tends to limit the experience greatly (especially the experience of creating a coherent experience). My journey is seeking ongoing clarity and that has led me to NO belief system. That is not to say I don't resonate with bits and pieces here and there, but for me I don't subscribe to a system. I remain open and enjoy a path of ongoing clarity, guided from within me. I don't identify with any labels ( such as those ending in istian or ism or ist). I worship noone or nothing. Honour everything. The distinction is a potent one ;-) The former creates seperaction whereas the latter creates balance and harmony.

We live in a world where entrainment (conditioning) is all around us if we choose it (autopilot) which leads people into stalls or we can get in the driver's seat of the creation process and explore the magic as an unhived child and create a living experience fresh and new (unfiltered as clarity allows) ;-)

Good look with all your decisions. It is ALL experience. Make it a great one!!!




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