Re: Herbs vs. Psyllium and bentonite for colon cleansing
First: I am not a licensed health professional.
I did colon cleansing using a lot of herbs. I followed the "more pooping is better" philosophy, and I got myself up to around a dozen bowel movements per day at the peak of the cleansing. When I was "finished" with my cleansing, I was actually then having three to four bowel movements per day without the herbs -- one in the morning, plus one per meal. I was eating a lot healthier by that point, with few processed foods and a lot of raw vegetables, which I believe helped keep me regular -- going back to my former fast food ways would probably have clogged me right back up again. Despite this, however, I discovered that I still wasn't nearly as squeaky clean as I thought. Things were better, but I still had (and have) more work to do on my colon.
There are a number of ways to clean out your colon and intestines. P&B shakes is one method. Juice fasting is another.
The Master Cleanser 's salt water flushing is another. Herbs such as cascara sagrada is another. Large doses of magnesium is another (magnesium tablets, Epsom salt, magnesium citrate, take your pick).
colonics or enemas are another. Oxygen supplements are another.
Dr. Schulze 's intestinal formulas are another, and probably the one you'll get the most support for in this forum.
Pick the one you like best or that sounds workable for you and do it. Actually, I'd suggest using a variety of methods (separately, unless you're sure you can take the occasional cramps...), because they work differently, so you'll get better coverage.
"Dependence" is an interesting term. I used the herbs and fiber products for weeks -- eight weeks, I think. I didn't become dependent, and I was, in fact, regular once I completed the program I designed for myself. I consider that a successful application of the herbs.
If you follow the "recommended", "safe" practice of only using the herbs and fiber until you reach three bowel movements per day, you probably aren't going to be eliminating the extra funk you have stuck in there. THEN, yes, you will be dependent, because you'll never actually flush out the excess, and you'll be stuck in a condition where you know that "healthy" means "three movements per day", but you can't reach it on your own because the funk is still sitting there blocking up your colon.
Your current meals will probably go out, and maybe, after a few years, you'll finally reach that point of having moved out, bit by bit, the bulk of the accumulated crap that's in your bowels. Recommending only three bowel movements per day with herbs when doing a thorough
Colon Cleanse sounds to me like a method of making people dependent on the product one is selling.
Good luck!