Have your daughter try Retin A in gel form from your doctor first. I used Accutaine when I was 33yrs I am 44yrs now and my skin is perminatly dry now which is good and it is bad. I have a very hard time finding cleansers to wash with. I am more moody now. I think it changed every cell in my body. Even my hair got drier after taking it. Everyone is different!!! I looked great while I was on it. After my skin stayed clear for the most part, but left me dry all over and feeling not like myself. If she does the program I would have her do the Liver Flush like once or twice a month for a year if not longer after she goes off accutaine. High doses of Vitamin A stay in the body thats why its so dangerous. Good luck either way.Dr. Fulton in California has a book out about Acne its very good and so are his products he is on the internet to order his products. I tried them and they are pretty good.