I certainly am glad my parents circumsized me when I was an infant. I would do the same to my kids. Obviously it is a free country and parents should be allowed to make that decision on their own. To me circumcised penises are much better looking and undeniably cleaner. One of the previous posts mentioned the fact that this (uncircumcized) was the way we evolved so it must be right. While normally I am a firm believer in evolution, I don't feel this particular argument is valid in this case. How many woman do you know that don't shave any part of their body? How many men do you know that never shave or get a haircut? Or cut their fingernails? While having lots of body hair and long fingernails and a foreskin may have added extra protection to humans when we were living in the bush hunting wooly mammoths, they are clearly not needed in today's world. I didn't realize that there were still people in the USA not circumcizing their kids, but I guess to each their own.