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The decision to have your kids circumsized or not
Larry_B Views: 4,648
Published: 19 y

The decision to have your kids circumsized or not

When my wife went into labor, whether or not our kids get circumsized was the last thing on my mind. In fact I didn't even think there was really a choice. Our doctor in Seattle (ah what a progressive place) was female and right after our kids were born she gave us the riot act about how inhumane and unnecessary circumcision is - and that furthermore she would refuse to do it even if that was our decision.

Wow - this was a big and unexpected decision I had to make right away with all the other emotions, concerns etc the day brought. If you're an expecting parent it's good that you're here considering this in advance so you don't have to make a snap decision on the big day.

Anyway, the main thought running through my head was that future females in their lives would be shocked and grossed out when they have a look at it for the first time. Not exactly the reaction the kids will be hoping for, and for that reason I'm glad I had mine "done" back in the day.

The doctor also said that not having the foreskin removed will have the kids enjoy sex more, find intimacy easier and even have gentler dispositions. I thought back to Europeans I've known, and in fact they did seem to have gentler dispositions than typical Americans almost to a person. Obviously that could be more cultural, but I suspect that circumcision also might play a role - if for no other reason how the horribly traumatic pain you have to endure on your first day into the world could subtly and lastingly affect your attitude and sense of security in the world.

Who knows? But these were the thoughts going through my mind that required a snap, at the moment decision that would affect my kids the rest of their lives.

Thanks to the really headstrong and unequivical stance the physician took, I'm afriad I might have acquiessed more than decided - given my mental state and exhaustion at the time. But the decision not to have them circumsized is something I've second guessed often - though inflicting less trauma and suffering to my newborns seemed ALMOST like a no brainer at the time.

Still I'm glad I found this forum and can hear so many more arguments on the issue and understand it so much better. I feel much better about my decision now, and hope the kids will thank me one day.


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