Feed your adrenals to whack back anxiety. No Sugar or stimulants, and eat fats and oils, like a good ribeye steak with olive oil vinaigrette. Try kelp for mineral support. Take 5 mg of DHEA (all women need) as needed for anxiety. Don't take DHEA regulary as it will make the adrenals lazy. If you feel better within twenty minutes of taking DHEA you have adrenal insufficiency. DHEA is cheap, but get the KETO-7 form if you continue using DHEA as it will not turn into other hormones.
I'm lost in the thread...You were concerned about biopsy? Take Calcium D-Glucarate (get at Whole Foods or on internet) to block Glucuronidase that encourages hormone related cancers and never have biopsy anxiety again. God bless!