You know its funny but I am not consciously aware of having anxiety over my husband. I had this odd sensation when he left that he would be ok and I believe he will so I have little anxiety about it. It does get a bit dicey if he starts sharing too much about what is happening so I tell him to wait until he comes home to share stuff. We have been married a long time and he has been deployed before so it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal. Maybe unconsciously.
This round of anxiety started over my health (the usual issue). Recently I had to have a breast biopsy which was negative for anything but the waiting and worrying did a number on me. Before that I was having hives when using DMPS to chelate mercury which started the whole thing. On top of that I have been battling candida and now I found out I have lymes. So, all this triggered the anxiety and panic and I cannot seem to get a handle on it. Usually it dissipates by now but for some reason this last month has been constant. Can you help me with the phrasing on the tapping in light of this info?