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Re: What is the Christian view on breatharianism?
hopinso Views: 5,023
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 407,467

Re: What is the Christian view on breatharianism?

I believe that God created our bodies in a wonderful way. Part of our anatomy is a large digestive system. He created us to co-exist with the rest of His creation and eating is part of this cycle. We exhale carbon dioxide which plants require for photosynthesis. We eat the plants to gain the sugars they created plus the minerals they extract from the soil. The waste matter we excrete contains elements the plants need to grow. Growing plants release oxygen that we need to live.When I think how beautifully Nature works when it is in accord to God's plan I just have to stop and praise Him!

If we are a part of this wondrous cycle of life, death, eating and eliminating symbiotic nature; then breatharianism would seem completely out of place in God's creation. Even Adam and Eve ate (they just ate the wrong thing in disobedience), so eating is not something we started after the fall.

To me breatharianism is contrary to God's plan and seems to be more of a human effort to separate ourselves from Him and His provision. I was reading about some people trying to become immortal on another forum, the subject of breatharianism came up. I have no desire to be immortal in this walk of life, but rather look to the day when I can live forever in the presence of my God and my Savior. In that new body we may not have to eat, but our joy and comfort will be complete. Until that day I have no desire to be any other way than what our Heavenly Father designed us to be.


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