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As for this Christian girl......
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As for this Christian girl......

I view my daily bread with great joy!!!!

Sounds like you have answered all of your own questions Squeaky ( A few years ago I met a young guy who was actually named Squeaky - is that funny or what??:-D Anyway, you have explored and reasoned most of the possibilities, unless of course there is some obvious answer out there that neither one of us has encountered. But I would venture to say that nowhere in Christian thought, nor in Scripture (which hopefully dictates Christian thought, even if that's sometimes a can of worms)is there any mention of going without food at all as a means to life, much less spirituality.

The only living things that I can think of that are sustained by air alone, are some types of plants, but even then, I'm not sure there aren't some minerals absorved from water. I can't imagine how cells can regenerate without biological interaction, but what do I know.

As you mentioned, this has got to be something that stems from Eastern mysticism, where sometimes the more that a person endures, the higher the spiritual growth/awareness they will achieve. Then again, Christianity wasn't without it's period of self-tortures.

I suppose anything is possible, and yes demonic intervention can produce bizzare phenomena, but it would at least be a rarety, and I would expect to see the photo of a true breatharian on the front page of the Enquirer.

Of course here I'm saying all this and there might be some indignant person reading this who saw his last meal in the summmer of 1996!!

As for me and my house, we shall serve real meals. :•P


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