I will be starting the Master-Cleanse next week and can honestly say that before I started investigating the benefits...I was only interested in losing a few unwanted lbs. After all the reading I have done, I would do the Master-Cleanse regardless! I first started investigating juicing when I noticed natural urges to drink juice only...and wasn't sure that was healthy! (how toxic must I be to be craving that??) Researching juice fasts led me to the MC, and after reading 2 or 3 thousand people talk about how wonderful they feel, I am hoping that after the cleanse I will be less tempted by the "junk" that my body was used to! Maybe I will crave healthy, natural foods? I have never eaten much meat so I have high hopes of being able to change everything about the way I eat after my first cleanse. If I have less allergy symptoms, more energy, and feel better in general...I should say that I win all the way around! I have already given up caffeine to try to make the cleanse a little bit easier (hopefully less headaches?) so wish me luck! This site is great...a wealth of info to be had!