I'll be the first to admit that weight loss was my first 'draw' the the MC. Partly because I decided that a fast would be a great way to get my 'flesh' (strong desires for food) under control & then I could more easily eat a sensible diet & continue weight loss -I wanted a fast that was safe & provided enough nutrients & energy to get through the day & the Master-Cleanse has been great for that. After reading more & more about the Master-Cleanse & then the book & these posts -the cleansing has become pretty important to me as well (I actually ordered the ingredients for the PB shakes the other day). It has helped me stop drinking caffeine & diet pop & when I was off it for a week (between cleanse 1 & 2) I ate MUCH less junk & wanted to put mostly healthy foods back in my body (& I couldn't bring myself to drink milk again because I didn't want sinus headaches to come back & I also started buying my children hormone free milk after reading about hormone milk on Curezone). Also, my Granny died in 2001 of colon cancer & I also have a 2nd cousin who died of colon cancer in his late 30s -so I'm thinking cleaning it out HAS to be beneficial! Anyway, yes -my weight issue is ALWAYS on my mind but maybe the Master-Cleanse will draw people like me in & we will then learn more about this healthy lifestyle. :)