Re: I'm concerned for your friend --
melanie, your concerns are all valid... i saw her this afternoon and she's still on morphine and is unable to get her bowels moving... she's in the bed, walking every once in a while, but says the pain is too great... the dr. retrieved 2 stones during surgery, but we know there must have been more than that... and he did have her on 2000 mg of keflex a week prior to surgery, but he didn't tell her that she had an infection... ... prior to the operation i begged her to consider an alternative, but she was convinced the surgery was what she wanted, so i didn't bring it up again... i told her that i'd respect her decision, even though i might have chosen differently for myself... i don't even know though if a flush would have helped her based on what the dr. said... she insists she's very confident with the care that she is getting, so i haven't expressed my concerns to her... there were 4 proceedures done on her, first, the removal of the pieces of the gallbladder, 2nd the removal of the liver adhesions, 3rd the cleaning of the infection pockets (and bile i'm convinced, although he's never said a word about spilling any) and 4th he repaired a navel hernia that she never knew she had... in fact she had stated prior to surgery that she hope it (surgery) wouldn't mess up her bellybutton cause she had a really nice one... thanks so much for your input, i will keep you posted!