There is a huge difference between breaking up fat through emulsification and digesting it into product the body can assimilate. The answer is enzymes. While minerals may play a part in total good health, they do not play an important part in the early phases of digestion. Just like the idea that available energy is produced when alkalies and acids meet in the stomach, this whole notion is ridiculous. Yes you can get a reaction when acids and alkalies meet in the digestive system-its called gas, maybe a good loud belch will clear your head. You cannot recreate the human body and force it to abide by your rules.
It might be best for you to stick to your own forum and all those groupies who are content to blindly follow anything you tell them. As far as I'm concerned you have totally destroyed all semblance of credibility by trying to debate while incapable of defending your point of view with any solid science. Your little experiments reek of third grade Science class and prove nothing.