Re: Thanks a lot, just a few questions.
Ah, going to Europe cured me of workaholicism! :) I love their laid back attitude. Not every country had it of course, some like Vienna are just as stressed out as we are.
It's not that any one Dosha is more desirable, it's that you want to know what your body type is so you don't aggravate things. It's a way of knowing how to keep in balance. :)
Even for drooping belly liver is still key, but you probably won't have to do as many flushes! :) And ad ab exercises too, and the exercises for the colon, the easiest one is massaging the abdomen wtih a tennis ball and of course fiber. Definitely need to work out the crud. :)
EFA = essential fatty acids. The best oils for this are Flax, Evening Primrose, Borage, hemp, coconut, and sort of olive. Olive is the only one you can actually cook with. The rest have to be raw or even refrigerated.