Shelley, whe is it not OK to use Epson Salt? nm
Nope, not unusual at all, actually, that's a nice combo. You won't get as cold as me with Pitta warming you up! Wish I was that combo! :)
Your protocal didn't mention any liver cleansing. All your symptoms are connected to the liver, you need EXTENSIVE liver management. Try to do as many of the recomendations from herbs to flushing to cleansing salads as you can.
Kichadi would be great. :) Definitely try to increase the power of your digestion.
Your system isn't alkaline enough if it's taking you that long to heal. Consider getting a juicer and definitely make up the potassium broth even if you aren't fasting (see fasting notes for recipe). Consider taking "acid defense" or something similar.
Get good at making loose-leaf tea from the bags at the health food store. Your first teas should be combo of parsley/dandelion to take care of the edema and skin eruptions. Trampoline and massage would also help. You can add licorice tea or stevia to make it sweet.
Are you taking in plenty of EFA oils? They will take down your sensitivities to off-gases and other environmental toxins.
I still cannot handle
nitrates and
nitrites to this day. If I want to eat sausage I make my own.
You may need to do every-other day enemas when symptoms are peaking. Drinking aloe vera juice, 1/2 cup 2x or 3x a day for 3 weeks will help with the allergy cycle so that you stop reacting to each and every thing.
Hope that helps! :)