Your liver may be, but your small intestine and colon are definitely NOT better off if you're vomiting due to the Liver Flush or any other time.
Vomiting is due to the body desparately trying to purge itself of toxins, and it shouldn't have to do that via that route because the toxins should be going *the other way*. The fact that they are not means you are severely blocked.
You need to do extensive cleansing of the entire digestive system, starting out with a one-day fast would be great, then continuing with the P*B shakes, colonics, eneams or salt water flush while on a very limited diet with lots of water would be great.
You need to read up on increasing the power of digstion too. Chances are you need digestive enzymes (but not HCL), lemon juice before each meal, or apple cider vinegar.