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Re: My mom doesn't believe me...
cerasela Views: 4,988
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 378,435

Re: My mom doesn't believe me...

Dear 'lifesux',
This is my second message to you, I urge you to get better(I didn't know that you are in such bad shape, so tender), take it from me(I have been thru this), it can be done!!! You WILL be happy!!! I usually take every bad experience as a 'lesson', like how can I use it to help others? how can I avoid this in the future? etc. You can talk to other rape victims and help them when you are healing...for example. I will say a prayer for you right now.
And about your Mom, I am not judging her, she is in shock and she is too hurt to be of any help. The only way to help her is to get better yourself, we are a very tough generation and much open-minded than our parents.
Love, Elena.



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