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Re: My mom doesn't believe me...
cleanchick Views: 4,938
Published: 21 y
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Re: My mom doesn't believe me...

I was raped several times, fom the time I was six until I was a teenager, but told no one about it until I was 34 years old.

Back then, we weren't taught that grown-ups didn't have a right to touch you in certain ways and we had no language for describing such a thing. Worse, I always knew that somehow that I would be blamed for it. I was a rather shy child who wore a uniform to Catholic school every day, so nobody could point to promiscuous behavior or dress.

Before I "came out", I'd been in a disastrous marriage and suffered other effects of my inability to trust people. After talking to close friends, family members and two therapists, it took me several years to begin to do the things I needed in order to have a fulfilling life.

Had I found a sympathetic and helpful person when I was younger, I know I would've healed much more quickly. So I urge you to do the same. There is most likely a rape crisis hotline (something else that didn't exist when I was young) in your area. Call it: In addition to the sympathy and advice you find there, they can probably direct you to some sort of counselor who could provide free and confidential service.


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