Owen, your word of wisdom is taken- thank you! By the way Marija Gimbutas is quite known for her discoveries that in ancient times women had widspread peaceful society without wars and hatred and that was I believe all over the Europe, fascinating.
As far as were people from north used to get and still get their vitamin C I believe it is because I read something in unrelated book (sugar blues, ha ha). Indigenous American indians used to get (still get?) their vitamin C from adrenals of a hunted caribou or some animal: they kill it and go straight for the adrenals, slice carefuly and divide in equal parts to give to all present people. Because almost all vitamin C is accumulated in the adrenals of the animal! So, Owen, just in case if you are lost somwhere in Alsaka or in Siberia and you forgot you #50 bottle- find an animal and before you roast fresh meat- eat adrenals ha ha!