That's just a hunch; just a guess.
Hi Cyrulis,
Don't get paranoid, my friend! I
don't think the gals are conspiring
against us. However, you could look
at the male-dominated history of our
species, and conclude that SOMEONE
should conspire against the male-ego. It's the men who have caused all the trouble since Adam
munched on the wrong fruit. I'd love
to spend the winter of my lifetime
in a world where women made ALL the
important decisions. And I mean that
sincerely. My gender has made a botch of it.
I don't think there's a scintilla of
evidence that any women are able
to synthesize vitamin C in their
livers, the way almost all wild animals can. But if they could, it
would help explain why women are
expected to outlive men by 6 years
on the average.
I live in South Florida. At 64, I'm
still an "adolescent" by local standards. Most of my neighbors are
elderly women. The men died years ago. The assisted-living facilities
are full of old women. They survived.
The men didn't. Why, I don't know.
Eskimos survive in an environment
that lacks fruit and vegetables.
Perhaps they are able to synthesize
some vitamin C in their livers. Or
perhaps they get it from fish liver.
Who knows?
If you decide, Cyrulis, to work this
up into a formal scientific theory,
let me know, and I'll be delighted
to write the introduction to your
book entitled, CYRULIS ON "C"
Actually, that's a catchy title!
Stay sane and healthy, my friend.
I enjoy these light moments on the
CZ campus.