Re: MH...The 14 day cure.
I consider the 14 day medical cure a beginners book, the 21 day medical cure a more advanced book and my 40 day version of their methods thrown in with some herbal methods as well as water, my current method.
The name of a book or books, I think I found one website years ago that had over 1,500 old such books of various medical nature! I spent a fortune and will continue buying books, you ask for my choice authors, yet offer nothing in return and odds are, you would not read the books the same I would read them. It takes a large variety of authors versions for a person to make up their own prefered version. I see a pattern in health books and it does not take long to know if the author is full of it, or if he/she has something to offer.
If you have a book that obeys Nature and has 100% succes rate of restoring health, I would be glad to trade copies with you, otherwise I like driving down a 2 way street!