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Herpes in a marriage & a couple questions!
pixiesitx Views: 7,497
Published: 19 y

Herpes in a marriage & a couple questions!

I found out about 5 years ago I had the virus...time went by I found an awesome guy and we married in 2004.

I used to take Valtrex, that was when I had the medical coverage to cover the outrageously expensive pills. I had lost my job and along with the job I lost my coverage for Valtrex. Since then, I had worked for a small company that does not offer any medical coverage.

My Husband and I are now covered under a private plan (he owns his own small business). As always the insurance company put a rider on the virus so I will never be able to afford Valtrex again to supress my outbreaks and on average I have them once a month (I am literally crying right now) and it's ruining my marriage.

As any normal person would feel, my husband gets upset/discouraged when I have these outbreaks because that eliminates sex for us for at least a week (on average). I don't blame him. But what the heck can I do about it? Fighting about the situation certainly doesn't help my emotional status and 9 times out of 10 make the outbreaks worse (it seems).

Is there anything I can take to help supress my outbreaks that's not prescribed from the doctor?

Any advice you have for me helps as I am at a total loss right now!


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