20 y
Re: Possible herpes genital - Oral
"Unless someone has had a recent herpes test, I recommend that you assume that they have herpes and use a condom/dental dam combined with an anti-viral prophylactic gel. Government statistics show that anyone who has had more than 2 sex partners has a 20% chance of having herpes. "
Interesting article and very thought provoking. Made me wonder why you are recommending using a condom/dental dam with a gel at all. We all know that the condom only holds back a few virus' which are just a little too large to make it through....certainly not all. Herpes, as bad as it is is not the only demon out there.
We weren't "ripped off" as you said. The reason we have the diseases we do today is because man chose to forgo God's laws (monogamous sex after marriage) and chose to satisfy their flesh with the "lust of the flesh."
Oh dear...I evoked the "G" word. Well, let's face it. Many people don't want to hear what God has to say about anything because they think His intent is to ruin the party. He actually put His ideals into place for our protection. So that we can go into a relationship and experience oneness with another in one of the most intimate acts in the universe. Insted, man has perverted the plan and used unmarried polygmous sex in rebellion... and because they've never been taught to delay gratification sex has been cheapened and evolved to the status of simply being a physical need...much like a bowel movement or scratching an itch.
Okay, now lets leave God out of the discussion. Look at our society. The pro-choice mindset has so pervaded our society that we are teaching "sexual freedom" in school ...handing out condoms....teaching that all sex is acceptable and that oops...if a "mistake" is made you can abort it. This is BIG BUSINESS and that is the main reason why this generation of children have the cavalier attitudes they do. Oral sex is acceptable anytime, anyhere ...Clinton gave us that revelation. The attitude that we should do what seems right for us and what makes us happy is another. That attitude alone is the main cause of divorce (which damages our children and causes them to reach out for love wherever they can find it) and destruction.
There are many elements to this question we could discuss but my main point is that our responsible choice should not be to teach people how to get around the issue by having safer would be more constructive to teach people how to respect themselves and not ruin their future and the future of their children for a few moments of orgasm. The behavior is too risky and has, as you have shared, profound consequences...and all it takes is one bad choice.