Possible herpes genital - Oral
Id say about 6-7 weeks ago i gave and recieved unprotected oral sex to a woman. After a fight with my girlfriend and a whole bunch of alcohol at a party I did something really stupid and something i really regret. Because of some things that have happened since then I am starting to be concerned that I may also have "genital herpes" I put it in quotes because there has been nothing happening to my penis but i think their might have been a possibility of me getting genital herpes in the mouth from unprotected oral sex. I am going to try and see a doctor as soon as i can but for now I was wondering if these symptoms sound to you like I may have herpes. It seemed a week or two after I got a few "white head pimples" but they didnt seem normal because instead of having pus in them they had a clear fluid. They have gone away and none of them developed into scabs but they did leave temporary red marks (most likely because I picked them). I also believe some of these may have come from stress about worrying wether or not I had contracted herpes. Now when I was performing oral sex I didnt notice anything out of the ordinary (pimples blisters scabs or anything) and the person had told me she was clean but there is always the possibility of people lying and "shedding". More recently I got a red mark on the gum above one of my teeth, now my gums are never in great condidtion ( i cant stand flossing) but it seems like the timing of the appearance was suspicious. What has worried me most however is just recently after a party where I consumed alcohol I was brushing my teeth and upon inspecting my tongue I noticed a whole bunch of little reddish pink dots on it. They are reallly small and most heavily concentrated on the tip and the sides but also on the top. They dont really hurt or anything and they are so small that when I took a picture of them they didnt really show up but they seem to be ever so slightly raised and it seems like they are on or between taste buds.
I would have seen a doctor by now but I still have to figure out exactly how I am going to do that since i am a college student and my parents are conservative to say the least using my health insurance to get a test would show up on their invoice.
Oh ya i dont know if this has anything to do with it but it seems like when I wake up in the moringin every other day or so i'll have some kind of buildup on my two front teeth that i have to scrape off with my fingernail.